After a happy 30 years in Atlanta – during which I started a successful small business, bought a great brick cottage on a landscaped lot in a trendy neighborhood, and met and married the man of my dreams – I’ve done a “one eighty” and moved to a new city, dissolved my 20-year-old business (Profile America, Inc.), hung my shingle as a freelance writer, sold two houses, downsized into a 1,200-square-foot apartment, and started a a new website to motivate, inspire and guide others during their own downsizing process. It was unbelievably stressful for a while, but reinvention has been fabulous.
Every person I’ve encountered in my new world has a story to tell, a book or journal articles to write, a business to promote, a presentation to create, or a speech to present that will motivate and inspire others. If you are one of those people who want or need to write but you find yourself with no time to write – or if you are not confident in your writing skills – please call me or shoot me an email for a free, no-obligation, 30-minute consultation (404-909-1582, I’d be honored to help you creatively present your (or your company’s) best self through the written word.